Hacker's Creek
Pioneer Descendants

Phone No.



HCPD is a non-profit organization which is run by volunteers. Our funding comes from memberships, grants, fundraisers, and donations. There are three basic areas for which funds are needed. Here is a brief description of what each is used for. Thank you for considering making a donation.

You can choose your amount and which fund you would like to support with your gift.


To Donate, send to: Hacker’s Creek PD, 45 Abbotts Run Road, Horner, WV 26372. 

Endowment Fund

Income from the Endowment Fund is used for utilities and limited upkeep of the Library Building In Horner

Cemetery Fund

HCPD Provides Care for the following cemeteries:


General Fund

General Fund is used for:


Technology Fund

Internet connection, website costs, databases, online catalog, computer equipment, copy machine, scanners, printer maintenance, etc.