Hacker's Creek
Pioneer Descendants

Phone No.


About Hacker's Creek Pioneer Descendants

Mission Statement

HCPD works closely with other genealogy and historical societies throughout the state and especially those in places to or from which great numbers of our pioneering families migrated. The organization is an integral part of our community and works with all ages and ethnicities to carry forth our mission:

The mission of the Hacker’s Creek Pioneer Descendants, Inc. shall be to conserve, preserve, protect, display and make available the history, culture, and artifacts of the Central West Virginia area to anyone interested in their own personal history (and their family history)or the area’s culture and history. Adults will be the primary implementers of the historic compilation and the preservation of the history, albeit, a special emphasis shall be placed on youth.  Adults shall organize and maintain the Central West Virginia Genealogy and History Library and Museum and provide most of the educational programs for various groups, including, but not limited to, students of all ages (from pre-kindergarten through Elderhostel), Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, 4-H Clubs, heritage societies, and community service organizations.  Implementation of these goals shall involve community outreach programs and coordination of programs with other organizations of similar purpose, both within and without the State.  (Revised 11-07-09 by action of Board of Directors)

Hours & Staffing

The library is open five days a week:

  • Monday – Thursday 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
  • Friday- 10:00 AM -1:00 PM 
  • Saturday by appointment 
  • Please call if you need to visit the Library during other times, and we will see if we can work with your schedule. 

Hacker’s Creek Pioneer Descendants

45 Abbott’s Run Road
Horner, WV 26372

Contact Information

Executive Director, Patricia Lesondak

We are staffed by our Executive Director, Patricia Lesondak, and several volunteers. We always need volunteers!! If you would like to volunteer some time please contact us.

Should you have questions before you visit our library, you may contact us by e-mail.

HCPD Officers and Board Members for 2024 - 2025 Year


President: Doris Dean

Vice President: Susan Tucker

Treasurer: Marsha Propst

Secretary: Evelyn Rogers

Editor of Journal: Carol White

Webmaster: Paula McGrew

Librarian/Archivist: Paula McGrew

Executive Director: Patty Lesondak

Immediate Past President: Randall Nicholson

Board Members

Cary Williams, term exp. 2025

Irma Curtis, term exp. 2025

Susan Tucker, term exp. 2025

Bonita Schreckengost, term exp. 2026

Rick Lang, term exp. 2026

Nate Stansberry, term exp. 2026