Hacker's Creek
Pioneer Descendants

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CD of the 788-page book written by Joy Gregoire Gilchrist and edited by Marian Waters Challender. Originally published in 1990, Contains all information from original book except the pictures, Appendix I (about 20 marriage dates) Appendix II (listing
of all Squires Land Deeds in WB Counties prior to 1935), and Appendix IV (Reprint of Goldenseal article
about Junior, Barbour County) The disk is readable in *.doc format or can be sent in Adobe Acrobat format.
Additionally, all pertinent facts are available in FTM format on the same disk. Included in the text of the book
are histories and genealogies of some other families. These include, but are not limited to: Fortney, Poling,
Martin, Hornbeck, Pitzer, Moats, Fawcett, Gull, Smell, Hacker, Fleming, Rollins, Haffer, Freeland, Wilkens,
Horchler, Brain, Dudley, Freeland, Pell, Britton and McGinnis.


CD of the 788-page book written by Joy Gregoire Gilchrist and edited by Marian Waters Challender. Originally published in 1990, Contains all information from original book except the pictures, Appendix I (about 20 marriage dates) Appendix II (listing
of all Squires Land Deeds in WB Counties prior to 1935), and Appendix IV (Reprint of Goldenseal article
about Junior, Barbour County) The disk is readable in *.doc format or can be sent in Adobe Acrobat format.
Additionally, all pertinent facts are available in FTM format on the same disk. Included in the text of the book
are histories and genealogies of some other families. These include, but are not limited to: Fortney, Poling,
Martin, Hornbeck, Pitzer, Moats, Fawcett, Gull, Smell, Hacker, Fleming, Rollins, Haffer, Freeland, Wilkens,
Horchler, Brain, Dudley, Freeland, Pell, Britton and McGinnis.

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