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Written by Roy Bird Cook, 1924, and edited by West Virginia historian Boyd Stutler, this book explores the military operations around and about Lewis County as well as those who served from the county on both sides during the Great Conflict. “The significance of the
operations in Lewis and adjoining counties cannot be measured by the number of troops engaged in holding the section, or by the fact that no great battle was fought within the sector. . .,” said Stutler. Weston was the gateway to all points in the interior of what would become, as a result of the war, West Virginia. Contains listings of Lewis Countians who served on both sides. Indexed. Soft bound. Reprinted 2000 from manuscript retyped by Cindy Ethier-Kostka. 140 pgs.


Written by Roy Bird Cook, 1924, and edited by West Virginia historian Boyd Stutler, this book explores the military operations around and about Lewis County as well as those who served from the county on both sides during the Great Conflict. “The significance of the
operations in Lewis and adjoining counties cannot be measured by the number of troops engaged in holding the section, or by the fact that no great battle was fought within the sector. . .,” said Stutler. Weston was the gateway to all points in the interior of what would become, as a result of the war, West Virginia. Contains listings of Lewis Countians who served on both sides. Indexed. Soft bound. Reprinted 2000 from manuscript retyped by Cindy Ethier-Kostka. 140 pgs.

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